PN Holding on the famous class of Adam Abakarov in Minsk

Of the 28th of July Adam Abakarov hold a seminar in Minsk sponsored by PN Holding and Geladrink®.

Bodybuilder told about the techniques of exercises, the most common mistakes, in trainings ways of building workout plan and specifics health care, for the period of intensive training.

One of the topics that the athletes have consecrated upon during the seminar was the care of the joints under heavy loads. Adam talk about the effective means to maintain joint health – chondroprotector Geladrink®. The PN Holding team also made sure that all guests could try Geladrink® and appreciate its pleasant taste.

Of the 28th of July Adam Abakarov hold a seminar in Minsk sponsored by PN Holding and Geladrink®